
Team Name: Yorm

This project will closely follow the design and implementation of the game nerdle (https://nerdlegame.com). The player will attempt to guess an equation that is 8 symbols/numbers long. The possible operations that can be preformed in this equation are multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction. The player has a total of 6 guesses to figure out the predetermined equation. Each element of the equation will be highlighted in colors corresponding to the ‘correctness’ of the guess. For example, green could mean you have the correct position for the element, while yellow means the element is in the equation but not at that position, and grey could mean that element is not in the equation. These colors will change based on the theme played in, but the basic formatting will remain the same for all variations of the game being played.

Team Information

Project name: Nerdle
Team Name: YORM
Members (4):

About this project


Frameworks & Tools

Build & Comnpiling Instructions

Use the following steps to build and run the web-app:

  1. Navigate to the nerdle directory
    • cd nerdle
  2. Change current node version to 18
    • nvm use 18
    • The response message should appear as:
      • “Now using node v18.19.0 (npm v10.2.3)”
    • Additionally, a node_modules folder should now be installed in the nerdle directory
  3. Build & Compiling
    • ng serve
    • Node 18 allows for bundling of building and compiling, using this command. A response message should appear:
      • “Application bundle generation complete…“
  4. On your preferred web browser, navigate to
    • http://localhost:4200/